Challenges Issued
Challenge Period:
04/16/2023 - 05/15/2023​​​​
05/10/2023 - Joey Liss (NC-1, W-18) challenged Rey Nugent (NC-2, W-17)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
05/06/2023 - Steve Olson (NC-14) challenged Joey Liss (NC-1, W-18)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
Match is reduced to non-priority due to upcoming NC State Tournament
05/06/2023 - Rey Nugent (NC-2, W-40) challenged Joey Liss (NC-1, W-17)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
05/06/2023 - Cam Moore (NC-17, W-72) challenged Rafael "Rif" Portillo (NC-5, W-43)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
05/03/2023 - Rey Nugent (NC-2, W-40) challenged Joey Liss (NC-1, W-17)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
04/30/2023 - Cam Moore (NC-17, W-72) challenged Steve Olson (NC-14)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
04/28/2023 - Allen Odom (NC-13, W-64) challenged Jamal Rhinehardt (NC-6, W-44)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
Match is reduced to non-priority due to upcoming NC State Tournament
04/26/2023 - Wilson McNeary (NC-56) challenged Taylor White (NC-31, W-87)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
Match is reduced to non-priority due to upcoming NC State Tournament
04/23/2023 - Kevin Feeley (Unranked) challenged Ian Warner (NC-27)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
04/18/2023 - Steve Olson (NC-14) challenged Jamal Rhinehardt (NC-6, W-44)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
04/18/2023 - Kevin Williams (Unranked) challenged Wilson McNeary (NC-56)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
04/18/2023 - Carlos "Los" Hernandez (NC-3, W-41) challenged Joey Liss (NC-1, W-16)
​Match to be played by 06/15/202​3
Challenge Results
Challenge Match: Wilson def. Taylor 3-2 on 05/14/2023 @ 10:30pm - Dean's House
​Wilson takes ranks NC -32, W-17.
Challenge Match: Joey def. Rey 2-0 on 05/10/2023 @ 7:30pm - Steve's Gym
​Joey takes rank W-17.
Challenge Match: Jamal def. Allen 4-3 on 05/09/2023 @ 11:00pm - Steve's Gym
​Ranks ar​e unchanged.
Challenge Match: Rey def. Joey 2-1 on 05/06/2023 @ 7:00pm - Steve's Gym
​Rey takes rank W-17.
Challenge Match: Rif def. Cam 4-0 on 05/06/2023 @ 7:00pm - Dain's House
​Ranks ar​e unchanged.
Challenge Match: Joey def. Rey 2-1 on 05/03/2023 @ 8:30pm - Steve's Gym
​Ranks ar​e unchanged.
Challenge Match: Steve def. Cam 3-1 on 04/30/2023 @ 8:00pm - Steve's Gym
​Ranks ar​e unchanged.
Challenge Match: Kevin def. Ian 3-0 on 04/30/2023 @ 6:30pm - Dean's House
​Kevin takes rank NC-27.
Challenge Match: Wilson def. Kevin 4-3 on 04/25/2023 @ 11:30pm - Sarah's House
​Ranks ar​e unchanged.
Challenge Match: Jamal def. Steve 4-1 on 04/24/2023 @ 9:00pm - Steve's Gym
​Ranks ar​e unchanged.
Challenge Match: Joey def. Los 4-1 on 04/21/2023 @ 10:00pm - Sarah's House
​Ranks are unchanged.
Rank Requests